Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Sit tight for this one folks.

At the 2 1/2 hour registration we were told that on the FIRST day of school the new kids get their lockers.  Seems reasonable.  HA!

First day - no locker
Second day - no locker
Third day - no locker - and a small consolation prize they may get lockers on Monday!!!!
Fourth day (MONDAY) - no locker - no real clue from the School Treasurer.
Fifth day (Tuesday).  Well, I decided to take this matter into my own hands and for those of you that know me, I really can be not so nice and kinda extremely pushy.

So I walk into the Front Office and say, my international exchange student needs a locker - who is the right person to make this happen.

The School Treasurer!! His "office" is in the main great hall - and I go there to find him and he is not there.  Back to the Front Office where about 6 sets of eyes look at me and not one asks if they can help.  So I just stood at the counter and waited.   A perky woman asks (finally) can she help me - well, you sent me to the Treasurer and no one is there.  Her: WHAT!  He is always here at this time!  Me: Well, no one is there, do you have an idea when he might return.  Her:  NO, he may have an errand.  She walks away.  I wait - at the counter... at this point, I am not moving from said counter until someone comes up with a slight clue when this Treasurer will return.   A few (10 minutes) later the perky woman returns to tell me that he indeed had an errand and will be here in 40 minutes!  Me:  I'll wait - right here in this chair (in my head - glaring at ALL of YOU!)  So I wait.

As I wait, I think, I should have brought a book, but no - I will glare. Here is what I encounter / experience in the Front Office.  The 3 student helpers are NO help.  One CAN answer the phone, but beyond that he transfers the call, one does nothing and one stares into space.  One girl comes in with a dress code violation and she has to wear green sweatpants all day (she promises NOT to wear those shorty shorts again), one extremely shy student, one student that is sent away down the hall by the perky women only to return, one office worker that is hell-bent on passing the buck no matter the problem, one kid sent to the office for what he says is no apparent reason, and a very late substitute teacher.  I realize in watching this - I COULD NOT do this job.  But, that didn't stop my glare.

About 40 minutes later - the said Treasurer arrives!!!  Can you feel the excitement....

I get to counter and say, my international student needs a locker, how do we get that done.  Treasurer:  Well, the School District got a new computer system and there were some problems and getting the lockers done was the LAST priority!!!  WHAT, remain calm.  Treasurer:  they were supposed to send the program to me yesterday so I can play with it and assign lockers.  Me: let's check and if not, we will call.  Luckily at this point the Treasurer has the e-mail with the program....drum roll... it is an EXCEL spreadsheet!!!, perhaps some amazing program made this EXCEL spreadsheet - but honestly, how is this the last priority...  After much scrolling down and up (I did refrain from screaming CONTROL END) he finds a locker, prints the new form with the locker and code and off I go to check it and teach Seema how to work a master lock.

So there is 1 1/2 hours of my life I am not getting back, but my kid has a locker and was impressed with my skill and very grateful to no longer lug 4 heavy books every day all day. 

One Success for ME!!!!

1 comment:

Gold-E said...

La, this officially makes you the best mom EVER! I'm taking notes.

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