Monday, April 30, 2012

Thanksgiving Point - Tulip Festival, by Lamiaa Hadi

Okay, I know the suspense was a killer but here it is - the Tulip Festival, by Lamiaa Hadi

Hi everybody!!! This is my first time writing for this amazing blog, and I am writing about the Festival of Tulips.

Mama Laurel planned it for us with Ms. Laurie, it was so much fun being with the other exchange students, so we started our tour as everyone else, looking around, discovering the beauty of Seema’s favorite flower, taking pictures, and enjoying the nice weather.
So as a part of an AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, we decided to roll down the hill, It was so much fun, we felt dizzy in the first time, but even though we couldn’t stop, it was so way fun.
We took pictures by the waterfall, we watched a little show of tap dancing, we went to the shops and we got a bag of 15-22 donuts, it was YUMMY!!!!

At the end, Mama Laurel and Ms Laurie let us to do whatever we want for an hour and half, so Seema, Cammy, Darby, Amrin and I decided to just hang out and chit chat!!

Photos from the day (captions by Mama Laurel)

Cammy stealing the show from the 3 tulips - Seema, Darby & Lamiaa

Darby trying a Hijab

Here you have Lehi (Utah), Germany, Malaysia, Japan, China, Morocco, Sugarhouse (Utah), and Pakistan.  Ever so Multi-Cultural in front of the waterfalls.

Seema with a coke.

Girls chilaxing.

End of the day - ready for some nap time in the car!!!

Cammy being either nice or mean to Lamiaa???

Sisters rolling down the hill.

Monkeys rolling down the hill.

 Okay - Laurel here, I just want to point out that Lamiaa sent NO photos of any tulips!!!!
For those that wanted tulips in this post - here you go, from me!!!!

I know the pictures of the kids having a blast are so much better.  At least you got a little of both. 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Gabriel says S*&% in church!!!

So I have been telling this story a lot lately and I thought the 3 followers of this blog would like to hear it BEFORE the big Thanksgiving Point day re-cap that Lamiaa Hadi said she was writing by Saturday - she didn't of course say WHAT Saturday, so stay tuned...

Anyway... my Gina Larson - who I could say SO much about here and I never really know what to call her so I am settling today on MY Gina Larson - sounds good.  She invited the silly monkeys Seema, Lamiaa and Gabriel to do a presentation at her LDS Young Women's/Men's group at their Wednesday activity.   Now I don't worry one tiny bit about these presentations as they have done MANY. I did get some traditional treats to share and that is about it.  Of course being a slacker mom, I have never stayed for a presentation and this time I did. 

Gabriel started off the presentation talking about Palestine and how close he lives to Bethlehem and showing pictures of his city etc.  He talked about his experience in Utah and what all he has done and did a very nice job of showing who he is and his values and culture.

Then he started talking about American teens / students perception of all of them as exchange students as they are from the Middle East or for Miaa a covered Muslim woman - well he explained that many people think they are ALL terriorists and they are NOT.  He said what do we look like we are carring  bombs and going to blow up S*&%.   I secretely hoped that the audience of young adults thought with his accent he said ships.  I think they got it though.

In the car I hit him - ever so gently on the shoulder - and said, Gabriel, you don't say S*&% in church.  What the heck (or close to that) were you thinking.  He says, I don't know it just came out.

We all giggled and said the only thing Gabriel has in his backpack is chocolate, not bombs!!

The moral of the story is - you decide.

Photos from the night.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Greek Easter w/ Christopher

To read about the kiddos experience with Greek Easter click here to link to the FABULOUS, Christopher Katis's blog "Who's Your Daddy".

Love him.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday holds a few traditions in the Ingham household.  Even without a lot of religion, we make it fun and I am the first to admit I have no clue how a bunny, jellybeans, eggs and candy are mixed in with any kind of Christianity - so in my usual fashion, I take the fun part.

We have for the past several years gone to the Sunday Brunch at the Oasis Cafe.  They have lots of delicious items and several are vegetarian and so it works for our crowd.  This year the party consisted of Meg DeAngelis, Mike Feehan and his lovely daughter, Olivia also Merline Leaming, Claudia Luttrell and Marian (Grandma) & Heather Ingham, Seema and me.  A wonderful party of 9.

Now for the past several years since Bella was this little...

or 5 years old we have had an annual "drinking" contest that began with the above chocolate bunny!!!!  Here is how the tradition got started.  Marian had received the above bunny as a gift and brought it to brunch and said who wants it... well we all kind of looked around and in no time flat, Bella said lets have a drinking contest to see who WINS this bonus item.  We did and guess who won...

Well if you guessed, Bella you would be correct.  This is how the tradition started and continues to this day.  This year Bella had plans with her immediate family BUT traditions are traditions and the contest continues.

 Olivia and Seema getting their water ready for the contest

Seema taking this very serious per usual..

I think Mike isn't even trying and Heather has an eye on Meg & Claudia.

Marian hugging the winner!

Seema took first and Olivia came in third.

And Merline with her champagne took second place!!!  Is she the cutest lady EVER!!!


John and Sonya hosted a marvelous egg hunt.  Darby & Lamiaa joined us for the roll... Thanks John Uncle &  Sonya for the fun.  I am going with a photo is worth a thousand words.

That was Easter 2012!!!


Saturday, April 14, 2012

A few fun things we have done this Spring!!

First, for my followers, we are still waiting on the mistaken absence to be excused - thanks for reading my rant, I get that it is a small thing, but still gets me fired up if I think about it.  According to the Principal he is quote "working on this".  So far 2 weeks...again, you can't fix stupid...

We have done a few fun things and some firsts - so in random order... the first jump on a trampoline..

The wonderful, Christopher Katis took the kids to an Orthodox Greek event that happens the Friday night before Orthodox Greek Easter.  They had a wonderful time seeing traditions and ceremonies of another religion.  BUT - everyone likes a good jump on the trampoline prior to heading to church.  All of these monkeys had never been on a trampoline.  I think Seema & Lamiaa spent as much time on their bottoms as they did on their feet.  You can see from the faces that they were having fun and from the hand position of Lamiaa, I think see is trying to stay standing vs. pulling the other down...I think!

Another fun event... Beauty & The Beast.  For those of you have have seen the Disney movie, you would love the live musical.  The costumes, lighting, music and special effects are truly AMAZING!  Alex & Joe invited Seema to use Grandma Elaine's :( seat.  And the cute Brent Jensen was trapped in both girls were able to go!!!  Thanks Alex, Joe & Brent for making this happen.


Laurie, the PAX coordinator in Utah County invited all the kids to come and participate in the Renaissance Festival at her children's school.  It is a wonderful charter school that has a huge focus on diversity and international affairs.  They teach Chinese, Arabic & Spanish at all school levels.   The monkeys were asked to have a table and then do a short presentation.  Look how cute they are.

See... we have FUN!!!
Coming Soon Easter & Spring Break.... Gotta hop...

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