Tuesday, September 20, 2011

August 17th

So - if you are reading this, well you must be, ignore the dates the blog automatically posts - I am behind, so go with the dates I post, until I catch-up.  I am trying, but as per my crazy life, last night I wanted to post, but here is how the day  evening went (September 19th).  Get home aroung 6:30, catching up on Facebook and watching DWTS premiere.  Seema is getting a haricut by my amazing sister, Heather.  So you see I think I have some time.  But not really.  Magi barks and the also amazing Chip Loughridge is dropping by the bicycle his daughter Lizzy is letting Seema borrow for the year.  SO, I stop facebooking and help with the bike and go over the lock and give Chip a tour of the honey garage, the garden etc... then Heather and Seema return.  Seema is SOOOOOO excited to have the bike, she rides in the yard and out front and Heather & I hang out in the kitchen, eat the pie she made and chill, eventually Seema comes in which is good because Magi is goiing NUTS!!  We watch DWTS and I don't do any blogging... See how life goes.

Back to what I was trying to do CATCH UP!!

August 17th - Wednesday.  I needed to go to go, so Seema gets the spend the day with Mimi aka Grandma to her.  Mimi had a meeting at the Conservation Garden and I thought that would be a pretty spot for Seema to sit and catch up on her journal.  The plan was I was taking Seema to Mimi's at 11:30.  But it was 10:30 and she was READY.  So, I thought, I will take her over, give her fair warning that Mimi won't be dressed and ready to go.... and I was RIGHT!  We pull up, Mimi is in a silly hat and her PJ's watering the flowers!  It was so classic, I loved it.

Here is how their day went... (after Mimi is dressed & showered).  Meeting at the Conservation Garden - she LOVED it!  Very pretty and peaceful.
Next - COSTCO!!!  Seema was pretty shocked and told me "they have everything!"
Then - Cactus & Tropicals, not sure of that errand...
Then - the "Muslim" Market to get some Halal meat and treats - both loved it!
Then - home for a rest.

Dinner - we go to Alan & Elizabeths to meet Hailey, their neighbor kid going to Highland as well.  Everyone had a great time and Alan was an amazing cook, per usual.  Seema is sort of getting used to men cooking after canning with Alex.  The night was fun with all the kids astonished at how smart and accomplished Seema is... thanks everyone for that night. 

Did I take pictures - well no... I am lame.

1 comment:

Heather I. said...

Wasn't there also an unplanned trip to Mimi's dentist for an emergency tooth extraction sometime this day?

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