Monday, June 18, 2012

Golfing on Father's Day

Written by Guest Bloggers: Joe & Alex

Uncles Joe & Alex decided to take Seema golfing on Father's Day.  In honor of all father's and the U.S. Open we thought Seema should engage in this great sport.  We also were happy that Debra and Louie came with us on this beautiful day.  There is a clear level of golfing experience from best to needs improvement: Louie, Alex, Debra, Seema & Joe.  After hole 5, Seema said, "Oh this game is easy."  All in all, we lost a few balls, bought some bundt pans, and had a great day. 

Golfers ready to conquer the day.

Just like Webb Simpson, Seema needed to check to see if there was a break in the green.  On her first hole she hit her first Par 3!

Debra taking a swing.  Watch out Louie!

We all lost a few balls to the water, except Louie of course.
Golfers tired and ready for a nap.
                 Of course while we are headed home, we have to stop at Seema's first estate sale!                   
 Look at the pretty bundt pans she found. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lamiaa is 18 - well depends on what calendar you use.

June 4 - 2012

According to the Islamic calendar Lamiaa Hadi is 18 - However, that isn't the calendar typically used - so she is still 17 until August 7th.  Yet, her wonderful host parentes DeeDee and Bob threw her a party to celebrate.  She loves the University of Utah Union Building Bowling Alley - so off we went.

Now - let's be perfectly clear - no one at the party are good bowlers but all of them are good PARTY people. I think the high score was 119 by a THIRD GRADER.  hmmm... she had the bumpers up which is an obvious advantage. 

Happy Birthday Ms. Miaa whenever you choose to celebrate.

And for the record - pictures of people bowling tend to be funny!!!

Miaa and Cammy with her eyes closed...seriously!

Seema working on serious

Bree trying to read the score.

Gabriel the ZOMBIE bowler.


This picture kills me - Darby and her bowling face and form.

Amrin knows how to toss the ball

Bob in good form!!

Gabriel concentrating with his green ball
Miaa - poses like a PRO!

Cammy winds up to toss that ball.


Miaa - seriously..

Miaa laughing at the fun and silly business of her birthday.


DeeDee - she is gonna be hating on me for this.

Always a poser.

Kiddos that Miaa taught Arabic.

Are we done yet?

More Darby poses

Serious kids bowling


The sunglass help!

Check out those muscles and serious face... winner winner!!!

The brother is equally serious

Nicole - her arm is still attached.

Seema doing the drop and roll

Fine form Amrin!

Ooohhh now she is serious.

Jeremy in fine form


The big WINNER!!!

Spring Break 2012

April 2012

For Spring Break - Seema heading to Southern Utah with Grandma and life long friends Mason and Karen Redd.  When Seema finds some time to write about her trip I will post that here.....

and here it is folks....
I was little bit bored during spring break so spent first three days in home doing cycling and watching movies. On Monday I was praying and my grandma called me that u wanna go with me to the theater with uncle Mason and  Karen Redd, I said for sure. There we made a plan for southern Utah where I saw the real beauty of Utah. I totally loved it . Uncle Mason he was so passionate to tell me about his
town. For me it was the best tour of my life because I experienced a different culture of America and got enough information about native Americans. I had a great time with my grandma and Uncle Mason and Karen and learned so much stuff from them. I hope they were fine with my asking questions habit.

Here is photo proof of the fun times.  And Grandma came home EXHAUSTED...


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