Following the amazing vacation to Disneyland, I thought it would be fun to top it off with a few days in Vegas and break up the long drive a bit. Thanks to the kindness of Carolyn & Robert Wallace, we were able to book rooms at the Wallace Hotel.
We arrived on New Years Eve at about 12:30 in the afternoon. I thought I would brave the "Strip" and show Seema, Darby & Lamiaa the local fun before the street is shut down for traffic. Well, of course, the first moving billboard is for "" - and as anyone that has been to Vegas would understand the picture is of 3 mostly naked women and some line about "Girls 24 hours". Seema from the backseat seeing the moving billboard asks "does your government allow this"? Well, yes they do and some would say they encourage this. Vegas didn't get it's nick name of Sin City for nothing!!!
Having some better judgement for the New Year's Eve festivities we went to an off-strip casino, Red Rock. Yes, they do need to see a casino. It was awesome to walk by an older lady in her wheelchair asleep in front of her slot machine. Lamiaa says, "she looks like she is having fun." It's Vegas baby!
After a bit of misguided walking about we decide to try our hand at the Arcade games. Darby is thrilled when I drop $23 to get tokens and dole them out. Lamiaa & Seema are skeptical of the fun, until the tickets start spewing out of the games... we call that WINNING!!!
So this may be the most interesting store I have EVER entered and when we did both Darby and I looked at each other and said, this could be strange! Yeah, strange in a your grandmother works here and they sell astroturf, emergency preparedness supplies, stun guns, jerky and zombie stuff... I am not sure what all Darby walked away with - but later I was told be her mom, DeeDee, don't buy her a stun gun... good thing we didn't get that cute pink cell phone style stun gun.
We arrived on New Years Eve at about 12:30 in the afternoon. I thought I would brave the "Strip" and show Seema, Darby & Lamiaa the local fun before the street is shut down for traffic. Well, of course, the first moving billboard is for "" - and as anyone that has been to Vegas would understand the picture is of 3 mostly naked women and some line about "Girls 24 hours". Seema from the backseat seeing the moving billboard asks "does your government allow this"? Well, yes they do and some would say they encourage this. Vegas didn't get it's nick name of Sin City for nothing!!!
Having some better judgement for the New Year's Eve festivities we went to an off-strip casino, Red Rock. Yes, they do need to see a casino. It was awesome to walk by an older lady in her wheelchair asleep in front of her slot machine. Lamiaa says, "she looks like she is having fun." It's Vegas baby!
After a bit of misguided walking about we decide to try our hand at the Arcade games. Darby is thrilled when I drop $23 to get tokens and dole them out. Lamiaa & Seema are skeptical of the fun, until the tickets start spewing out of the games... we call that WINNING!!!
Darby was not the biggest winner - hence her sad face.
Seema is clearly concentrating on "Deal or NO Deal"
Here they are holding their winnings. Both Lamiaa and Seema traded in their tickets for cute Disney photo albums. Darby got a few smaller items, one was a whistle that was threated to be broken by Seema if she blew it one more time.
After the Arcade we hit a movie, Tin Tin in 3D. So here is where I will be totally honest at how stupid I actually am. When we leave the movie I said, oh I thought that movie was about a horse! I kept wondering when the horse was going to be in the show. It got a good laugh. Darcy did ask how long it took me to figure that out... well about 1/2 way. I know, blonde.
The next day we hit Ceasars Forum and the Bellagio fountains. Which after that we were exhausted and needed a rest & dinner. Both happened.
The one thing Darby was MOST excited to see was a store she had spotted on our first day and REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to go back. So on our last day, she and I got up early and hit Trader Joe's when they opened. Darby finally understands the importance of getting one here in SLC. I am pretty sure this was the first time she was able to pick a wine for her mom. We got DeeDee the Happiness Project with the smiley face on it and other goodies.
But, that wasn't the store Darby wanted - it was, yes, Zombie Apocalpyse. We found it the night before and jumped out of the car to get a photo.
So this may be the most interesting store I have EVER entered and when we did both Darby and I looked at each other and said, this could be strange! Yeah, strange in a your grandmother works here and they sell astroturf, emergency preparedness supplies, stun guns, jerky and zombie stuff... I am not sure what all Darby walked away with - but later I was told be her mom, DeeDee, don't buy her a stun gun... good thing we didn't get that cute pink cell phone style stun gun.
That is Vegas Baby!!!